I am a compassionate person who is deeply committed to understanding human behavior and dedicated to helping people get in touch with their emotions, be vulnerable, and free themselves from negative beliefs learned in childhood. As a couples and sex counselor and user experience designer, I immerse myself in the needs of others with empathy on a daily basis. For me, relationships with other people and ourselves are what make life worth living. That is why I am passionate about helping others to have healthy and nourishing relationships.
In 2023, I founded “OASIS: Open space for Awareness, Serenity, Intimacy, and Self-growth”, a space for free development and self-awareness. So when I’m not tinkering with new seminar ideas or temple concepts, I like to sit in the sun or take on the challenge of bringing a white canvas to life with colors and glitter.

seminars Hosted in 2024
Tempel der Sinne
Authentic Pleasure @ evolve X green yoga urban festival
Embodiment of Emotions @Celebrate the Planet
seminars Hosted in 2023
How to navigate jealousy
Non-violent communication
Non-violent communication
How to navigate jealousy @ Hedoné Seminar
Conscious Knutschen @ Hedoné Seminar
Conscious Knutschen @ Mystic Creatures Festival
Conscious Knutschen @ Wilde Möhre Seelenkiste Festival
Reduce conflicts by Understanding Attachment Styles
Love Ceremony
Reduce conflicts by Understanding Attachment Styles (3x)
Love Ceremony