Tag: attachment styles

  • Embrace Until Relaxation

    Embrace Until Relaxation

    Dr. Schnarch’s “Embrace Until Relaxation” exercise offers couples a transformative path to nurturing both individuality and intimacy within their relationship. By delving into the depths of emotional connection and vulnerability, partners learn to maintain a strong sense of self while deepening their bond with each other. Through this practice, couples can cultivate empathy, trust, and…

  • Attachment Styles

    In relationships where partners have different attachment styles, tensions can arise between the need for closeness and the desire for independence. For instance, when one partner leans towards anxious-preoccupied attachment and the other towards dismissive-avoidant attachment, conflicts often stem from mismatched needs and communication styles. The anxious partner may seek reassurance and closeness, triggering the…

  • Navigating open relationships

    Navigating open relationships

    While “Polysecure” provides valuable insights into attachment styles and their role in open relationships, it’s essential to delve deeper into the motivations behind seeking openness. Understanding these hidden motives, such as addressing insecurities or escaping entrenched relationship patterns, allows for more meaningful dialogue and informed decisions. By embracing flexibility, honesty, and compromise, couples can navigate…